Thursday, December 22, 2011

A personal snapshot of 2011

Every year I stay sober is another miracle in my life.  When I decide to seek the Will of God instead of my own I inevitably avoid disaster and not just from the booze.   With God in the center of my life I can face anything.  For a poor girl from Brooklyn that’s huge.  Only with God.  Without him I was a frightened bunny afraid of her shadow.  I was also a horribly SELFISH bunny who didn’t give a shit about anyone but herself and what she wanted.  I never cared WHO I was hurting with my actions.  I hated everybody and I hated myself.  With the help of another (wonderful) sober woman I learned what God truly had in store for me.  When I was in ENOUGH PAIN I became teachable and now I am grateful and STILL teachable.  I look forward to the future each morning waking up instead of dreading it.
This year was pretty amazing.  Not perfect but inspiring.  At the beginning the year (due to some life changes) I started doing more things on my own and that was okay.  My son relocated from Geneseo and became a part of my day to day activities and soon our “Dinner and a Movie Night” was born.  Our relationship developed in a such a mature and respectful one that I know it was God who directed it.
In April I lost my brother Bobby to alcohol-related throat cancer.  He was only 49.  His death awakened a pain inside me I hardly knew what to do with.  I used the tools of my recovery and surrounded myself with women who are worth their weight in GOLD.
I finally came to a decision to stop “messing with a man that wasn’t mine” and lied and told him I was involved with someone else and he believed me.   A week later God stopped me from being a liar and brought a man who was once a friend and made him something much more.
The idea that I could not only date again but be in LOVE, is, as they say, beyond my wildest dreams.  God brought me my match someone who lives and follows God as I do.   Plus he is a phenomenol person, friend, lover, confidant besides.  My adventures with him have been wonderful and brought immeasurable joy to my heart and my life.
When we started dating I knew he had stage 4 lung cancer but decided to just enjoy whatever time we had together. I’m so glad I did.  God performed a miracle in him and he is as of now cancer free!  I got to hold his hand as he said good bye to his mother, who raised 4 loving children, who no doubt were a reflection of who she was.
My man and I got to see Steely Dan something I’ve always wanted to do.  I have a special someone now, and its someone who thinks I’m pretty special too.   He joins in so many adventures together something I never thought would be possible.  I know that God is at work as we both serve him remembering to give back what was so freely given to us.

My oldest and dearest friends were blessed this year too. By the grace of God they adopted a little girl and now are in full fledged parent mode.  Last night I was remarking to Paul how he and I have come full circle after 17 years.  That he is now raising a little one and I am the one in the beginnings of a loving relationship.
I also became reunited with a “long lost cousin” Michael Jeremiah.  It was during this summer that I got to have the great opportunity of seeing his film debut and reuniting with another cousin April Lindner in NYC.  Pretty awesome.
Another blessing I saw unfold this Summer was the wedding of good friend Rebecca & Eric Weissman

I am getting ready to celebrate Christmas & New Year’s with someone special.  I haven’t had that in a long while.  And  I never needed that before, and honestly I still don’t.  All I ever needed was God, though it took me a very long time to get that.  God is the cake!  My man is the icing.  Cake without icing is enough.  Cake WITH icing?  Pretty awesome!

Monday, December 19, 2011

MOMIX Botanical - a dance (& restaurant) review

So until the end of December The Joyce Theatre presents:  MOMIX Botanica surely a performance worth seeing.  What the Blue Men group is to music MOMIX is to dance!
The use of imagination, skilled artistry-use of props & music make this performance for all ages to enjoy. If you want a "taste" of what I saw click on this link: but if you are brazen enough to go sight unseen you won't be disappointed.
It’s a 90 minute performance without intermission and at no time was I bored.   It’s the best bargain in the city.
Afterwards me and my man went to dine at Lasagna Ristorante, 196 Eight Avenue (Corner of 20th St Chelsea).  Unfortunately the service was slow and the food not as spicy as advertised, on the upside it was a respite from the cold temps of yesterday.
The menu had lasagna choices for vegetarian, meat and seafood lovers.  Though I came for lasagna ultimately I stayed and ate Penne La Vodka.  The calamari was good though.  Many “boys in love” were there but it was Chelsea and no news to me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Everything Must Go - a DVD Review

So last night my son made me watch “Everything Must Go” the dramedy starring Will Ferrell.  Okay so he made me, it wasn’t exactly at gun point but the child-to-parent guilt equivalent.  Not knowing much about this movie other than it wasn’t Will Ferrell slapstick I figured I’d give it a shot.
It’s a film about an alcoholic man living in Arizona having the worst week of his life.  The film opens with him sitting in his car romancing a flask, drinking down the courage to drive home and tell his wife he’s been fired from his job of 16 years as Regional Sales Manager for a nameless corporation.
Only when he gets home he finds he’s been locked out and all his possessions are abandoned on the front lawn.  This movie HAD potential if the dialogue had been sharper.  One of the high points include Ferrell befriending a neighbors’ kid teaching him everything there is to know about sales, as they try to sell off Ferrell’s possessions.  There is also the rawness of his interaction with his sponsor who later surprises him (and the audience) in the best meaty part of this movie.
At best its missable, even on DVD, its truly only for Will Ferrell moviegoers OR people who enjoy aimless indie films.  And the irony, even my son (a die-hard Will Ferrell fan) fell asleep two-thirds the way into this movie.

Instead a better rental will Will Ferrell in a semi-serious role is Stranger Than Fiction.  Good flick.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Requirements to dating....

I remember growing up as a teenager and wanting to date.  My foster mom told me “No dating til your 16 yrs old.”  Sixteen?!  What was THAT all about?  Well she had her reasons, one of them most likely being “Cuz I said so."  But today her requirement had me thinking.

In my personal adventures and experiences in the last few years I’ve had the luxury of picking people’s brains.  So many women I’ve met, dealt with that same tender subject: low (to no) self esteem.  Where does it come from?  And when we date without it how badly are our choices? At sixteen I was dying to date, which was a joke because I HAD no self-esteem whatsoever.
What if the requirement to start dating wasn’t about age at all.  What if the requirement was one much higher.  Try this on for size: No dating until you love yourself completely.  No dating until you are totally in love with God the Father.  Wow.  As I sat in Starbucks today languishing over a drink this thought came to me.  If only I’d known then what I know now.  Hindsight is 20-20 and all that I guess.

But still I had to get this on paper.  Because I do believe that every girl should have this requirement met before dating and every WOMAN, yes grown ass women should have these two requirements met before they can have anything to offer to a man.  Because the love of self and the love of God are the FOUNDATION we need in order to love another completely, truly and most importantly without need. 

When we need someone to complete us we are doomed to failure.  When we need someone to save us we are doomed to relationship failure.  Guess what no one is coming to save us except HIM.  I’ve taken the last two years of my life to get to know God the Father.  He has saved my ass more times than I can count, even when I wasn’t asking him to.

HE taught me to love myself.  HE taught me to love everyone else and without his tender guidance which I seek daily, I am NOTHING.  But thankfully HE’s available 24-7 and guess what?  He’s even open on holidays ; )

A Year Without a Santa Claus - a Christmas memory

So my life wasn’t always as drama free as it is now, that’s one of the blessings following God had provided me.  Back when I was ten years old, daily chaos was always a constant.  Back then my Dad has already left us, and my mom was an active alcoholic and she was usually either “away” or “missing”.  My older sisters always picked up the slack.  Being the youngest of seven I always depended on my brothers and sisters to look after me.  And they did.

On Christmas that year we had little to no money.  My sister Sue managed to get money for a tree and all of us went out together to get it.  Me and my brother Bobby were looking around for boxed ornaments in a discount store of some kind.  He starts stacking boxes of ornaments onto my arms.  Next thing I knew he was telling me “Everyone is leaving, lets go”.  He starts pushing me from behind, but not towards the register, he is pushing me TOWARDS THE DOOR. 

Its then that I realize we aren’t paying for these ornaments we are stealing them.   Yep the old 'five fingered discount'.  This was nothing new to me.  Once I realized what the story was I ran out with him and ran for the next few blocks as to not get caught.

That year we had a decent Christmas tree but no gifts to open.  I don’t remember how I felt about that.  Looking back on it in some ways makes me feel shitty and gyped.  I know I liked the tree and was accustomed to having little in way of extras back then.  I had my brothers and sisters and I know that part was really important.

I know God has given me a world of blessings since then and I pray I will never take for granted all the blessings he has given me.

I remember that Christmas and hope that in helping with this toy drive no child will have to have a Christmas like that.   I hope you've read my story and are inspired enough to make a donation to the toy drive I'm collecting.  Please know that everything you've read is indeed TRUE, and I do believe God wanted me to use this experience to benefit others.!/groups/268485626533193/

Sunday, December 4, 2011

In the coming weeks and months there are a few  films I think I will see as they have me “mentally salivating” already.  In no particular order they are:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the suspense thriller based on the Swedish best selling novel of the same  name.  Though I’ve already seen the Swedish version with subtitles, a good journey deserves a second look.

    A Dangerous Method.  A story of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud give birth to Psychoanalysis.

      Shame.  The story of the journey of a sex addict played by the delicious Michael Fassbender and how he is forced to have feelings for something other than getting his “swerve” on.

    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy based on the novel of the same name is a thriller set at the height of the Cold War, starring the consummately talented Gary Oldman.  Nuff said.

    Coriolanus based on the Shakespeare tradegy, starring Ralph Fieness (who stars and directs this film) along with Gerard “300” Butler.

Plenty of reviews to follow  : )

Sunday, November 20, 2011


So today I decided to catch a movie with my guy on a semi-lazy Sunday afternoon.  We went to see Immortals in 3D.  I’m not a big fan of the 3D but my guy is (jude shrugs).  If I’m honest my beef is the added expense and the possibility of me getting nauseous, (yep I said nauseous) from the visual motion.

My initial reason for wanting to catch this film was to see some buff 300-esque type men and maybe see something I haven’t seen before.  
This film about Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.  Semi interesting plot, good effects and hey it was good to see Stephen Dorff was working again, lol.  

I could especially enjoy Mickey Rourke in a juicy cut throat role such as this.  
Like a good friend told me:  not as good as 300 but not as bad as the remake of Clash of the Titans.

I gave it two stars.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A personal rant, important to me nonetheless

This Sunday I will attend a service to honor the memory of my brother Bobby.  My brother died an active alcoholic.  He never acknowledged he had a problem.  Ever.  He was self will run riot.  Four years before he died he lived with my sister who put him up for 8 years.  Unwilling to stop drinking and live a “normal life” my sister told him to leave.  He was not impaired physically or mentally only spiritually.
Doing things his own way (no one else’s) he pitched a tent in the woods of Washington State and lived a simple life until his alcoholism became very real in the form of throat cancer which took his life at the age at the young age of 49.  He waited too long to ask for help, by the time he made it to a doctor (again with the help of my sister) he survived less than six months despite surgery.  He didn’t have to die this way. 
I tried to tell him THERE IS A SOLUTION.  Once we get sober we want to tell others especially those we love.  There IS a solution, you don’t have to live this way anymore.  You don’t have to stay broken or feel damaged or self-medicate to numb yourself and stop your demons and booze from slowing killing you.
I was killing myself one drink at a time, until I found out there WAS a solution.  My brother had every chance that every alcoholic (who hears this message) has, they just have to be willing to stop doing things their own way.   Days before he died I remember my sponsor telling me “That Bobby dying may just be God’s plan for him.”  Was that true?  I don't know.
What I do know is: we all have a choice.  We can either accept God’s plan for us and trust that our heavenly father knows far better for us than we ever do.  Sometimes I struggle with that until I stop reflect and remember that my way was killing me one drink at a time.  I never want to go back there.  Nothing but self destruction and death was waiting for me.  I know God has a plan for me and I’m determined to stick around one day a time to see exactly what that is. 
Not my will, Lord but thy will be done.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beautiful Boy - a DVD Review

So, last night with the boy over for dinner we watched the DVD “Beautiful Boy”.   Hearing about this movie I was intrigued.  It is the story of a family devasted by the death of their son after learning he was responsible for the slaying of dozens of college students during a murderous Columbine-esque rampage.  Often we see this same tale told but usually told from the victims families point of view and I had high hopes for this perspective.
As the story unfolds the mother played by Maria Bello (Jane Austen Book Club, A History of Violence) and father played by Michael Sheen (The Queen, 30 Rock) struggle to find the catalyst of their once quiet and sullen son into a monster that they cannot fathom.
The director/writer hints with small details the idiosyncrasies of each parent as factors that may have contributed to their child’s “poor character”.   The movie played out as many “parents that lose a child” films do (see: Rabbit Hole)
This was a slow moving film that despite its flaws I found interesting and watchable (2 ½ stars).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Roller Derby Night - ho hum

So Saturday night me and my boyfriend ventured to see a charity rollerderby event.  Standing in line were many different types of people great for people watching, that is until my boyfriend decided to cut the whole line instead of waiting in the cold.
The event was The Pink vs. Black All Female Roller Derby Charity Bout and Food Drive. And to be honest I was disappointed.
Reason one, too fucking cold in this place, I mean come it was a roller rink not an ice rink.  Reason two, limited seating.  We were sitting on metal bleachers for crissakes and it was damned uncomfortable.  Reason three the food sucked.  And reason four, and really the most important reason.  The whole experience felt neutered. 
My cousin Melody was on a derby team about a year or so ago and intently I read her blogs.  Each one abit of insight into a sport that I’d only ever seen as clips in films.  Where we went the arena that the skaters used was cut down to a tiny section so all of the interaction was extremely limited.  Sort of like watching girls jump rope inside a cubicle.  Blah, so not what I was hoping for.
They did have quite the electric mix of rebellious and athletic women I was hoping to see.  But now I want to see the REAL experience and I’ll have to look for where to find it.
Well it seems as if the holidays are just around the corner and with it holiday eating.

So like everyone else this time of year watching my weight is important.  I don’t think I’m alone in admitting this fact.  Today I found a useful tool, a website.  I thought I’d share it.
This site allows you to find the items you are eating and search for their calorie content and nutritional value.   It also, with one click, enters each item it into a daily LOG that stores and adds all of yr daily items.  It also shows you where you need to improve your eating habits.  Here's hoping.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gotta gotta gotta

So like most women I have body issues.  With weight, with eating yada, yada.  Eating is essential for life but like anything that arouses my senses sometimes the overindulgence will occur. And not only occur but make you put on 8 lbs since the 4th of July.  (insert big sigh here).  At 5’ 1” it feels like 28 lbs. 
I’ve been on both sides of the fence weight-wise.  At the age of 12, I was grossly underweight weighing only 40 lbs.  I had no clue I was so emaciated.  At 18 I was 95 lbs.  A better weight, but my ribs always showed when I wore a bikini.  My highest weight (not pregnant) I am loathe to admit was 155 lbs.  When I saw a photo of myself looking like that, I ran to Weight Watchers and swore I’d never let myself get that big again.
Still it isn’t easy.  Like anything worthwhile, trying to maintain a decent weight, and being fit takes work.  Well, imagine that.  I’m a lazy person when it comes to this stuff.  But not totally without motivation to take action.  Lately my motivation is how I will appear to my man and how I will look in my clothes.
After a painful episode with my back that lasted about six weeks, but seemingly forever, lets me know I need to work to change this or prepare myself for more pain.  No thanks, its time to work.
Exercise is just part of this equation.  The other part is watching what I eat.  Not starving myself, just cutting out the junk AND maybe not eating so much bread related items.  That part ain’t easy.  It seems everytime I turn around there’s another birthday in my office.  And with the birthdays come free food.  Or junkfood I should say.  Dunkin Donuts, munchkins, bagel (of course) fruit platters and other baked good both homemade and Costco derived.
It’s a pretty hard temptation to turn down on the mornings its there.  Today I just went with a bagel and some grapes. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Kissing Poll Results Are In!

I tend to think of kissing someone, on the lips, as a pretty personal event.  Something I choose to keep as a monogamous event solely for my man.
There is such a sense of magic that occurs within a kiss.  The pressure of the lip lock itself.  Inhaling the scent of your partner, as mouths slightly open breaths exchanged, and the sucking of the lips that can bring one another into a state of euphoria.   All in one kiss.
Sometime last week I got into a conversation with my man about kissing.  The etiquette really.  I’m always fascinated by the choices and actions of others, whether or not they coincide or diverge from my own, and not just about kissing.  But this got me to wondering what those nearest to me, or at least those in my cell phone, consider the etiquette for this subject.

So I posed the question to some 40 or so friends:  Regarding their beliefs on lip-on-lip kissing.  Is this something solely reserved between you and your significant other?  Or do you kiss everyone on the lips?  (And if so why?)
The results were pretty surprising.  Out of 40 solicited only 25 responded.  Many people were in agreeance that lip-on-lip activity is restricted for their partners only.  Some said only family members.  Mom and son, that kind of thing. 

A few commented that previously they would kiss many on the lips but changed their habits as to limit the exchange of germs (shudder).

So if you’re a person that offers a cheek when greeting others, more than likely you’re in the majority.  You’re saving your lips for that one special person. 

Out of those 25 only (3) “kissed freely”.  As one of the respondents commented “God gave me lips and I’m gonna use them!”

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween and upcoming subjects to review.

So the weather is changing and Halloween is tomorrow.   While I’d love to be the girl who finally goes to see the infamous NYC Halloween Parade in the Village, this is NOT that year. 
Instead, we satisfied our ligt and dark autumn lusts, via the South Shore MEET-UP GROUP
We ventured to Melville, Long Island for its pumpkin picking and Haunted House experience.  Having not been into a haunted house since I was in Girl Scouts I was a wimp and screamed at everything all the while clutching tightly to the hand of my man.

We have all but down-shifted into cold of Winter many weeks before its official arrival.

The cold Winter months will serve as a challenge for both me and my man to fill with events of culture (and otherwise) as to not fall prey to the boredom and limitations of strictly indoor activities.

Upcoming we plan to venture to check out the local roller derby talent @

Stay tuned ; )

Monday, October 24, 2011

THE JETS - My first Football game.

Okay so I’m not the biggest football fan.  I associate football with yelling, screaming, gambling, drinking and testosterone.  I just do.  I also associate it with real men God bless 'em.  Okay my thinking is abit old school (jude shrugs). But yes I think of real men who drink and swear and eat hot wings and get excited over this silly sport where men get paid way too much for playing with a little leather object.  I do.
Anyhew last Sunday my real man took me to my first football game.  The JETS game.  It was Jets vs. San Diego.  We sat up high in the stands giving us quite the bird’s eye view.  I was pretty floored at the amount of people who attend this type of thing and its difficult to wrap my head around the fact that in every state of this country there was a stadium filled with just as many people doing exactly the same thing.
It was a gorgeous Fall October afternoon.  The perfect day to be outside for a game.  There was the added benefit of the four screens showing replays, time left, and the score as well as showing the scores of other football games occurring on the same Sunday.  On our way in there were so many mini-events taking place.  Outside the stadium a game is not just a game, its family time, shopping time, face painting time, you name it.  Now, the concession stands weren’t what I thought either.  These days you can buy near anything to eat.  On our way in I even saw an organic foods stand.  My man told me not to worry about price, it’s just the way it is.  He was jonesing for curly fries that day (it was all he could talk about at breakfast, he’s too frikin cute), but nope, no curly fries.
Now a stadium is a people watcher’s wet dream.  I’m a people watcher, so is my man.  There were the loud drunk girls, the painted face guy, the 5 cheer guys that kept me laughing with their antics and cheers and the fat obnoxious man who sat in front of us who nearly killed us with his silent but deadly gas attacks.
It was a pretty decent game and The Jets beat San Diego 27-21.   We left after the last touchdown beating the majority of the traffic and crunch of everyone leaving at the same time.  Good call.
I originally went to the game because I’ve never been to one and wanted to know what all the fuss was about.  Turns out I enjoyed it more than I thought.  We got outside in great weather, spent the day together which is always a great thing, and I got to see my man happy, my favorite thing of all.  I’d go back, armed with a gas mask just, incase that dude sits in front of me again. 


So, on Saturday morning, instead of Physical Therapy I decided to try a neighborhood Yoga studio in Franklin Square.  That studio was Kashmir Hands, (!/profile.php?id=100000836449489&sk=wall
located @ 946 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square (516-437-3777).
In an unpretentious storefront space, the environment allowed me to feel immediately relaxed and welcomed.  The proprietor and Yogi Dina, greeted each student as if she were greeting old friends.  She was an experienced teacher adept at her practice as both instructor and nurturer of her class.  After the challenging and relaxing core (60 minute) class, I had an opportunity to speak with Dina.  She is a strong, spiritual yet grounded young woman.  I left feeling as if I’d found a treasure in my own neighborhood, grabbing a schedule and making a mental note to recommend this studio to friends.
This studio offers several class packages that are affordable.  No credit cards, cash/check only.  Yoga mats are provided for its students.  Dina also offers several workshops from time to time, check studio calendar for more details.   This studio also offers massage and Reiki services. 
 Heading back tonight.  Namaste

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Upcoming events to be reviewed

In the upcoming months is yet another trip to the Joyce slated for the afternoon performance on December 18, 2011.  An excellent excuse for a trip into the city while it is lit up for Christmas I cannot wait.  The below links are for the MOMIX performance we will be seeing.
Also in November The New York Historical Society reopens on November 11th, 2011.  After many months of reconstruction it will be unveiled at its finest.  A must see for die-hard NYers and museum lovers alike.  This will be my first trip there though I’ve read about the experience I am longing to have.
While waiting I will devour the flick “The Age of Innocence” which Martin Scorcese includes many specific details of old New York Society with all its ritual aspects and culture.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cirellas Italian Bistro & Sushi Bar - a review

On Saturday evening I was on a South Shore Long Island Couples Group event.
After pumpkin picking F.W. Schmidtt’s farm we ventured to Cirellas Italian Bistro & Sushi Bar 15 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY. 
Unassuming from its exterior, inside you will find a cozy den full of warmth, good food, and superb service.  A very odd but majestic menu with selections of Italian foods and sushi.
Worth checking out and revisting!

The Ides of March - a Movie Review

So last weekend I took my mom to see The Ides of March.  Ides of March written, directed and starring George Clooney as Mike Morris, a governor with presidential aspirations.
Also stars Ryan Gosling as the talented cock-eyed optimist as manager of the Morris presidential campaign. 
Great actors, decent enough storyline, though a flat ending.  I had higher hopes for this film.  I thought the dialogue could have been abit more sharper and the storyline not totally predictable.  I gave it two stars.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Joyce Theatre - Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca

So weekend before last me and my man went to The Joyce Theatre and caught Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca.  A performance of music and flamenco dancing.  The company included two singers, three dancers and two guitarists.  The performance of 90 minutes with no intermission felt forced and redundant although also packed with incredible talent and stamina.
I don’t know if my expectations were too high but I just expected something MORE.

Something Borrowed - a DVD review

So on a lazy Sunday afternoon I decided to catch the romantic comedy, Something Borrowed, starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson and the delicious Colin Egglesfield.  (P.s. that CAN’T be his real name its too retarted, even though he looks like the Tom Cruise of his era.)  Anyhew, Ginnifer and Kate are bffs and when Ginnifer’s crush meets Kate, Kate seizes the opportunity and him.  Fast forward to six weeks before their wedding.  Ginnifer and Colin are out to dinner and out comes the secret when she tells him “You know I always had a crush on you in law school”.  And Colin acts on it by kissing her and taking her to bed.
Now for every brunette that’s been shown up by some pushy blonde, this plot might look like a victory right?  But what self-respecting woman betrays her best friend for some stupid guy that doesn’t have the sense (and moral compass) to just take the compliment and keep it in his pants?!
This movie irked me from early and the only continued.  I DID finish watching only because I wanted to know how this doomed threesome was supposed to salvage their friendships etc.
All I can say it PASS, there at least 20 better romantic comedies out there worth watching even if their leading men aren’t as hot, lol.