Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Kissing Poll Results Are In!

I tend to think of kissing someone, on the lips, as a pretty personal event.  Something I choose to keep as a monogamous event solely for my man.
There is such a sense of magic that occurs within a kiss.  The pressure of the lip lock itself.  Inhaling the scent of your partner, as mouths slightly open breaths exchanged, and the sucking of the lips that can bring one another into a state of euphoria.   All in one kiss.
Sometime last week I got into a conversation with my man about kissing.  The etiquette really.  I’m always fascinated by the choices and actions of others, whether or not they coincide or diverge from my own, and not just about kissing.  But this got me to wondering what those nearest to me, or at least those in my cell phone, consider the etiquette for this subject.

So I posed the question to some 40 or so friends:  Regarding their beliefs on lip-on-lip kissing.  Is this something solely reserved between you and your significant other?  Or do you kiss everyone on the lips?  (And if so why?)
The results were pretty surprising.  Out of 40 solicited only 25 responded.  Many people were in agreeance that lip-on-lip activity is restricted for their partners only.  Some said only family members.  Mom and son, that kind of thing. 

A few commented that previously they would kiss many on the lips but changed their habits as to limit the exchange of germs (shudder).

So if you’re a person that offers a cheek when greeting others, more than likely you’re in the majority.  You’re saving your lips for that one special person. 

Out of those 25 only (3) “kissed freely”.  As one of the respondents commented “God gave me lips and I’m gonna use them!”


  1. Jude,
    I am of the school that kissing is reserved for the significant other and close family, like parents. My friends and I may do the air kiss thing but there is not a lotta kissin going on, that's just too much.

  2. FROM JUDE: The poll was geared not about ALL kissing, just lip on lip kissing. A different animal in my opinion. So given that, what say you?
