Thursday, December 15, 2011

Everything Must Go - a DVD Review

So last night my son made me watch “Everything Must Go” the dramedy starring Will Ferrell.  Okay so he made me, it wasn’t exactly at gun point but the child-to-parent guilt equivalent.  Not knowing much about this movie other than it wasn’t Will Ferrell slapstick I figured I’d give it a shot.
It’s a film about an alcoholic man living in Arizona having the worst week of his life.  The film opens with him sitting in his car romancing a flask, drinking down the courage to drive home and tell his wife he’s been fired from his job of 16 years as Regional Sales Manager for a nameless corporation.
Only when he gets home he finds he’s been locked out and all his possessions are abandoned on the front lawn.  This movie HAD potential if the dialogue had been sharper.  One of the high points include Ferrell befriending a neighbors’ kid teaching him everything there is to know about sales, as they try to sell off Ferrell’s possessions.  There is also the rawness of his interaction with his sponsor who later surprises him (and the audience) in the best meaty part of this movie.
At best its missable, even on DVD, its truly only for Will Ferrell moviegoers OR people who enjoy aimless indie films.  And the irony, even my son (a die-hard Will Ferrell fan) fell asleep two-thirds the way into this movie.

Instead a better rental will Will Ferrell in a semi-serious role is Stranger Than Fiction.  Good flick.

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