Monday, October 24, 2011

THE JETS - My first Football game.

Okay so I’m not the biggest football fan.  I associate football with yelling, screaming, gambling, drinking and testosterone.  I just do.  I also associate it with real men God bless 'em.  Okay my thinking is abit old school (jude shrugs). But yes I think of real men who drink and swear and eat hot wings and get excited over this silly sport where men get paid way too much for playing with a little leather object.  I do.
Anyhew last Sunday my real man took me to my first football game.  The JETS game.  It was Jets vs. San Diego.  We sat up high in the stands giving us quite the bird’s eye view.  I was pretty floored at the amount of people who attend this type of thing and its difficult to wrap my head around the fact that in every state of this country there was a stadium filled with just as many people doing exactly the same thing.
It was a gorgeous Fall October afternoon.  The perfect day to be outside for a game.  There was the added benefit of the four screens showing replays, time left, and the score as well as showing the scores of other football games occurring on the same Sunday.  On our way in there were so many mini-events taking place.  Outside the stadium a game is not just a game, its family time, shopping time, face painting time, you name it.  Now, the concession stands weren’t what I thought either.  These days you can buy near anything to eat.  On our way in I even saw an organic foods stand.  My man told me not to worry about price, it’s just the way it is.  He was jonesing for curly fries that day (it was all he could talk about at breakfast, he’s too frikin cute), but nope, no curly fries.
Now a stadium is a people watcher’s wet dream.  I’m a people watcher, so is my man.  There were the loud drunk girls, the painted face guy, the 5 cheer guys that kept me laughing with their antics and cheers and the fat obnoxious man who sat in front of us who nearly killed us with his silent but deadly gas attacks.
It was a pretty decent game and The Jets beat San Diego 27-21.   We left after the last touchdown beating the majority of the traffic and crunch of everyone leaving at the same time.  Good call.
I originally went to the game because I’ve never been to one and wanted to know what all the fuss was about.  Turns out I enjoyed it more than I thought.  We got outside in great weather, spent the day together which is always a great thing, and I got to see my man happy, my favorite thing of all.  I’d go back, armed with a gas mask just, incase that dude sits in front of me again. 

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