Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Roller Derby Night - ho hum

So Saturday night me and my boyfriend ventured to see a charity rollerderby event.  Standing in line were many different types of people great for people watching, that is until my boyfriend decided to cut the whole line instead of waiting in the cold.
The event was The Pink vs. Black All Female Roller Derby Charity Bout and Food Drive. And to be honest I was disappointed.
Reason one, too fucking cold in this place, I mean come it was a roller rink not an ice rink.  Reason two, limited seating.  We were sitting on metal bleachers for crissakes and it was damned uncomfortable.  Reason three the food sucked.  And reason four, and really the most important reason.  The whole experience felt neutered. 
My cousin Melody was on a derby team about a year or so ago and intently I read her blogs.  Each one abit of insight into a sport that I’d only ever seen as clips in films.  Where we went the arena that the skaters used was cut down to a tiny section so all of the interaction was extremely limited.  Sort of like watching girls jump rope inside a cubicle.  Blah, so not what I was hoping for.
They did have quite the electric mix of rebellious and athletic women I was hoping to see.  But now I want to see the REAL experience and I’ll have to look for where to find it.

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