Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Omigosh I’m Amish!

So I currently rent a studio apartment in a house.  I have a great landlord, I am blessed.  Just passing the one year mark, wow how time flies, we’ve decided to celebrate by having a Sunday brunch together.
Living on Long Island Cablevision is king.  There are a lot of other (inferior) t.v./internet  providers, but nothing is faster.  Renting the apartment I was fortunate enough to have cable included.  No movies, just basic cable, but still.
Cablevision is currently changing things so that you must now HAVE a cable box in order to receive a signal at all.  After rushing around last night to get dinner started and a few things accomplished I finally clicked on the t.v. at 9 o’clock. 
Nothing. Nada.  Gulp.  Oh boy.  Hmm NOW I definitely need a box and here I was last week feeling all smug and superior that I didn’t lose my t.v. when others I knew did.  That shit was short lived huh?
Now I’m making arrangements to get one, but of course I want to make sure I’m not charged for it.  The EFKAH said I shouldn’t be charged except for $5 for the remote. 
It was weird last night not having the option of the t.v.  I mainly keep it on for background noise and the usual Criminal Minds back-to-back episodes that keep me entertained. 
Thank God for the internet though.  And I didn’t have the t.v. to get me off to sleep like I usually do, that was weird.  Instead I put on my reading light and gasp! I read.  I’m currently working on my cousin’s book which I’m starting to get into but wondering if I’ll finish.  (I still didn’t finish the last “Dragon Tattoo” book I was mulling through.)

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