Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Too big for my britches

So, I’ve noticed the numbers on my scale climbing and I wasn’t holding Tyler.  I’ve put on weight.  Not a lot just enough that I know I need to take action.  I heard a while back:  80% of staying in shape (being a proper weight) is what you put into your mouth.  Its something I’ve definitely found to be true.
Over the Summer my lazy ass didn’t do much except spend time with friends and eat plenty of ice cream.  I blame it on the summer.  But rather than continue in this uncomfortable (both mentally and physically) rolly polly physique I need to alter what I’m eating abit more just until I feel comfortable again.
So going by that nutrition program my GNC guy gave me this is what I plan for as of December 1st
No red meat
No dairy (gulp and I LOVE cheese)
No carbs after 2 p.m.
No processed meats (this includes bacon, and sausage)
I also plan to eat more vegetables, which will also include bean sprouts.  I’m told though that they are more protein than vegetable.  (jude shrugs) either way its time.

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