Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Planet Fitness

Have I ever mentioned how I suck with money?  Of course I know I’m NOT alone in my handicap.  There are plenty of good spenders/bad savers out there.  But amidst of all this I’m contemplating joining a gym.
I’ve a bad history with joining a gym.  You know that whole “Ok-I’ve-joined-a-gym-so I’ll-pay-for-it-but-never-actually-go there” kind of philosophy.
My history then got better once I had my son and even better once I had some REAL weight to lose.  But my wanting to join a gym is about more than wanting to stay ahead of the numbers on my scale.  Its about my health.
My health is decent mind you, no reason to complain.  But soon I’m turning 47 and the other day when I was walking up 4 flights of stairs I realized how out of shape I am.  Sitting behind a desk eight hours a day will do that to you.  I need cardio to build up my wind resistance.  Using some universal weight machines wouldn’t hurt matters either. 
I’ve no waist anymore and little if any patience either.  So rather than roll over and take I’ve managed to find a solution:  Planet Fitness.  You know the saying “If it seems too good to be true it probably is?  Well this might just be exception.  The location that is right near my work (the drive there is 5 minutes or less).  And its ten dollars to join and ten dollars a month, not bad.
As I think about last Winter and feeling my apartment getting smaller.  Smaller than the quaint space it already is.  I think this might work.  Heck $10 is three lattes @ Starbucks, not that I drink lattes anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I love this... “Ok-I’ve-joined-a-gym-so I’ll-pay-for-it-but-never-actually-go there."

    10 to join and 10 a month is not bad at all. Even if you don't go "faithfully" you shouldn't be set back too much.

    I think you look great for your age girl! Whatever you are doing is working!!!
