Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday thoughts

First and foremost thought………I’ve put on weight.  These jeans I’m wearing today are fucking killing me.  And while I checked my weight log (yes I actually have one just for funnzies) I’m not at my heaviest that’s for sure.  I think its just my waist that’s holding onto the weight this time.
I have plans to get to my gym after work since I’ve no cash and no Friday plans this works perfectly.  And honestly there’s nothing like wearing clothes that don’t fit you anymore to get yr ass moving.
My son called me at work today too.  He’s away at college and called because he needs help.  It seems his wisdom tooth is coming in.  I find it ironic that it happens to be while he’s away at school.  He was pretty calm which is good, I wish I could say the same for myself.  Outwardly I was calm with him, internally I felt like someone pushed me into a swimming pool with my arms tied behind my back. 
That’s the thing about adult children, while they are adults they are still “your babies”.  And what’s worse is I can’t exactly hop in the car and drive 7 hours upstate to hold his hand.  I mean its oral surgery here not heart surgery so its manageable.  Its just something he’s never dealt with before and quite frankly neither have I.
As parents we always have to put up a brave front no matter what hurricane of drama is whirling around inside us.  I think that’s why we are referred to as “grown ups”.  Perhaps that title is meant as more of a reminder than anything.  It infers, ‘sit up, fly right, someone else is counting on you.”  I totally get that. 

1 comment:

  1. I waited until I was in my 30s to have my wisdom teeth removed and they said it would have been easier if I'd done it when I was young. Still, even though all four had to be cut out, it was absolutely nothing. They put me out and when I woke up, it was over. A little pain but I just took Extra Strength Tylenol the whole time.
