Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol - a movie review

So departing from my usual habit I saw a movie out on a Saturday night.  With my man we saw Tom Cruise's latest feature in the franchise of Mission Impossible. 

Any of the MI's are totally entertaining and watchable.  Its a formula that seems infalliable.  Take a talented highly recognizable star (Tom Cruise), add decent action sequences, throw in the sexy yet brainy female costar add to that the up and coming star (Jeremy Renner, the Hurt Locker, The Town) and you've got yourself a winner.

Great action scenes that were surprisingly realistic, with suspense (even though you secretly know how everything will end).  It was a good night at the movies.  Worth watching if you're itchin' for an action flick.

No dough?  Rent any of the first three MI's.

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