Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So after the hub bub, after the Golden Globe nominations and awards I finally got to see The Descendants. 

Based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings this is a story of a native Hawaiian, Matthew King (George Clooney)  who is faced with a fortune (a land deal worth millions) and a misfortune (the decline of his comatose wife) at the same time.  He also uncovers a secret of his wife’s betrayal, before her accident.

This was a family movie.  Well maybe not a DISNEY family movie and as a grownup may I just say “THANK GOD”.  George Clooney kicked ass and made me laugh and cry during this flick.  I don’t know if he’s taking home an Oscar or anything but still good performance well worth seeing.

And if afterward you are itching for another good George Clooney flick catch him in “Michael Clayton”.  Yep, in my wholehearted opinion his BEST film to date.  An amazing movie I can find myself watching over and over, its just THAT good.

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