Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh Oscar

So the Oscars a few weeks away I would be remiss not to mention it at all.  I’ve been a slacker to say the least moviewise.  I blame poor time management and oh yeah cash flow.  Plus there’s not many films that bake my bread anymore.  I’m jaded moviewise (hence the self-given title).  Nonetheless in no particular order are this year’s academy nominated picks for Best Picture:

The Artist
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Tree of Life
War Horse
*The Descendants
*The Help
*Midnight in Paris
The asterisks are the films I’ve currently seen so far.  Yeah like I said slacker.  Anyhew I’m not totally without time to see a few more on this list.  Remember the days when a best picture category had only 5 pictures and inevitably one movie was something no one even bothered to see?  Until it wins of course. 
Or that little indie film that no one ever sees until it gets some buzz (but no nominations) and then everyone bum rushes the theatre.  Take Calendar Girls, or Waking Ned Devine or The Full Monty, or Slum Dog Millionaire (ok so that one not only was a nominated film but also a winner).  Yeah the little film that could.  I think the film industry is still trying to concoct that same recipe.  Part indie film, part blockbuster magic in hopes of not only attracting an audience but making a film with a soul and a shelf life that last more than a year or two.
It’s getting better.  The Descendants I think is a pretty timely example.  So is last year’s Black Swan. 
My personal criteria for a good film are this:  Strong compelling storyline………..biting dialogue, and courageous (yet not too over the top) performances.  Get me that movie and I’ll watch it over and over again.
*A few favs off the top of my head: *As Good as it Gets, Dolores Claiborne, Terms of Endearment. 
Let the countdown to Oscar begin…….. 

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