Monday, February 27, 2012

The Oscars - Post Mortem

So other year of Oscar has come and gone.  And MAN was I off the marks in my Oscar picks, what the hey???????  Random thoughts:
·        No Meryl, it was more like 80% of Americans groaning at your win.  I mean your film only grossed 25 million for crying out loud.  Probably while even though you did a spot on representation of the Prime Minister, nobody gives a shit about her life.  Not on this side of the pond anyway.

·        Was glad to see Billy Crystal doing his thing, and he didn’t embarrass himself or anything, though many of his jokes fell flat, but you can’t blame him, ya gotta blame the writers.

·        No matter how many awards it won, I STILL don’t think I could bring myself to watching “The Artist” not in the theatres anyway.  I mean a big part of my “good movie caliber” requires memorable dialogue and in this film there’s almost none at all.  The last movie that won for Best Picture with memorable dialogue was probably “No Country For Old Men” or perhaps “The Departed.”

·        What the heck is it with Angelina and that red lipstick she’s always wearing?  It overwhelmes those fishlips of hers and NOT in a good way.  She was probably the only woman there wearing a dress that DELIBERATELY made her look heavier.  Can you say trying too hard?

·        And in the memoriam they always do, there were a lot of “Hollywood people” who passed but few were actually actors.  Mostly writers and producers which explains why so many shitty movies are coming out these days.  (i.e. The 3 Stooges Movie?)   Hmmpf, I wonder what’s Broadway’s excuse?

·        All in all the Oscars did convince me to see two movies that I’ve not yet seen which are:  “Beginners”  and “My Week with Marilyn”.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar Prediction 2012

Okay so I haven't seen all these films, but I can take a stab at tonight's winners and that's what I'm gonna do, so here goes:



BEST ACTOR - George Clooney


BEST ACTRESS - Viola Davis


BEST DIRECTOR - Martin Scorsese

I'm not particularly interested in any other nomincations really. Anything else is frosting on the cake anyway.  Well not really frosting per se really more like that paper doiley under the cake that everyone expects to be there but no really notices.

The Tree of Life - a DVD review (aka oscar homework)

So in my pallid attempt to finish my Oscar homework I began to watch another of the Best Picture nominated films, The Tree of Life.  I couldn't sit through this entire move.

This is a film staring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn directed and written by Terrence Mallick (also known for The Thin Red Line).  This is a film about a man named Jack (Sean Penn) and his journey to understand the true nature of the world.  Yeah.........whatever THAT means.

I truly intended to watch this whole film.  I did, but by the time Sean Penn enters the film for the next 20 minutes that followed, the director constantly had 8-10 second clips of mish mosh of memories, nature scenes, that HAD I not read the synopisis via Netflix, I'd have had no clue what was taking place.  And honestly I still didn't.  Its as if this film was directed for an audience entirely population with people who have A.D.D.

Silly me, I looked for content, perhaps dialogue that was noteworthy.  Alas I still have NO CLUE why this film made it into the running.  Even though I do so adore Sean Penn, who has come a long way, since bashing papparazzi days of the 80's. 

Only watch at gunpoint is my recommendation.

Friday, February 24, 2012

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4
I took that scripture to mean, keep your thoughts, your actions your intentions set on God and he will take care of everything else you need.
I never thought of myself as needing a man.  Well full-time anyway, lol.  Over the years I’d come to accept myself as single, going out with men now and again.  I’d abandoned the idea of being in a relationship because (A) I didn’t think I’d be happy in one (B) Because I didn’t think I would “succeed” in one and (C) because I thought there was no such thing as a good man.
Remaining alone seemed like a good idea.  In sobriety I kept my expectations of everything LOW.  That’s my EXPECTATIONS not my standards, though I often do wrestle with the difference from time to time.
I eventually made a list of qualities I wanted in a man.  It went something like this: 
* He had to be divorced and already had his kids (and not want any more). 
* His kids should already be grown up (and him BE a grown up…aka not a man-child). 
* He had to be intelligent and able to engage in good conversation (communication).  He had to NOT be a couch potato. 
* He had to be willing to participate in some of my favorite activities (common interests). 
* He had to have a good sense of humor. 
* He had to be willing to see my perspective even if he didn’t necessarily AGREE with it (I didn’t want a clone of myself). 
* He should be trustworthy and faithful. And he should have a healthy attitude (and be able to communicate that) regarding sex.
That list was stuck on my bulletin board for a long time. (In the program we call this having a sexual ideal).  I made it for several reasons one of them being a quote from Chuck Palahniuk which said, “When you don’t know what you want; you end up with a lot you don’t.” 
I figured the worst thing that could happen was I didn’t meet anyone and I’d be alone anyway.  Jude shrugs.  I was becoming okay with that.  And then Mike asked me out and that changed everything.
I think I’ve grown more in the last 8 months than I had in the 3 years prior.  Its easy to be at peace when you live alone and are okay with living alone.  Interacting with someone on a regular basis, especially in a romantic situation, is quite different.  It forced me to consider someone else besides myself.  It forced me to trust again, to feel again, and ultimately to love again.  Something I never (truly) thought would ever happen.
My man was so patient with me at every turn.  And still continues to be.  Most days I am awed.  Some days its because I still struggle with low self esteem and aren’t sure I deserve him, but most of the time I’m awed because I had no clue that God had this in store for me.  I thought my selfish past ways had blown any chance for anything new and meaningful.  And I thought there WAS no such thing as a good man left on the planet.

What I forgot was: just as I’ve been yielding to God and changing my ways thru HIM, so are others.  Humble men and women who are letting God lead them, protect them and guide them.  And in so doing they are becoming more perfect in HIM. 

I believe God led me to this man and DID SO at a time when I could truly appreciate him.  I truly believe it was God’s timing.  And HIS timing is always perfect.  I am grateful to be with a man who not only believes in God but truly follows him. 
In my heart I now know I could never have been with a man who wasn’t God centered. 

And this weekend my man is on a spiritual retreat and I am missing him but admiring his action of spiritual self-care.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


So continuing my Oscar homework, I finally got to see “Moneyball”.  The Oscar nominated Best Picture starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill as General Manager(s) of the Oakland A’s.  A story of a General Manager and a Yale Economics Major who take a decidedly different tact at how a winning baseball team is selected and structured.
It was weird seeing Brad Pitt looking more like a middle-aged Robert Redford in this picture.  I gave it 3 stars and I do NOT watch baseball (at all) and if it hadn’t been for the self-designated “assignment” I’ve given myself I probably would have missed this little gem of a film.
Forgive my horrific run-on sentence. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So last night which was Valentine’s Day my man took me to Jimmy Hayes in Island Park, NY.
Now I went with high expectations of this restaurant.  I had been told it was high end good food and of course primo steak. 
The atmosphere was like a dark bar, heavy wood paneling with soft lighting.  Not bad.  It seemed a good way to blind you from the poor eating experience you were about to have.
The service was outstanding I must say.  It being a “holiday” and all I didn’t expect too much although THE WAIT to get the food was considerable.
The food was awful except the soup.  I’d ordered lobster bisque with shrimp.  It was thick and flavorful and had small bites of shrimp.  The porterhouse for two was ordered cooked MEDIUM.  It wasn’t.  It was practically raw.  Now I do enjoy my meat medium rare, but err on the side of caution by asking for it medium. It was even ridiculous that when the waitress brought the she was already APOLOGIZING as she was giving us the meat.  You don’t DO THAT with a piece of meat at that price!  (see website for menu).  I wasn’t especially wowed by the texture or the flavor of the meat.  I found myself reaching for salt. Also the creamed spinach was a disaster.  It didn’t taste like spinach at all, it was flavored with something that tasted like potpourri.
The table seating was practically on top of one another. (I guess they thought WE were cattle and hemmed us in as such.)  Unless you managed to get a booth.  We were people watching and both noticed the same thing.  Apparently any ol’ thing was appropriate for dining out.  One couple next to us the guy was wearing a button down shirt and was untucked wrinkled, and his wife was no better looking as if she had just rolled out of bed.
The verdict: I DO NOT recommend this restaurant.  It was a severe disappointment.  Thankfully my dining partner was a pleasure who was the saving grace of this experience.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - a movie review

So doing my “Oscar homework” I went yesterday to see Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.   Another one of the Oscar nominationed selections for Best Picture.
I was reluctant to go because although it’s headed by two big stars: Hanks & Bullock.  I KNEW in my gut that the meat and potatoes of this film, included neither performer.  My gut was right. 
This is the story of an Extremely Loud and Incredibly Annoying boy, who loses his quasi-genius father and then tries to make sense of it all by uncovering clues surrounding a mysteriously discovered key.
I reluctantly enjoyed this film.  Why?  Because it had heart.  Because for every person who has ever suffered a tragedy that changed their lives forever, we want to believe we suffered through it for some purpose.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Midnight in Paris - a DVD review

So last night I watched one of this year's academy nominated films: Midnight in Paris.  A Woody Allen written and directed film.  While not the biggest of Woody Allen movie goers, I do enjoy majority of his films.  Hell, I even saw “Match Point” IN the theatre.  As anyone knows he made that while in England trying to recuperate his reputation after his scandalous actions tarnished his good standing.
Anyhew, starring Owen Wilson, who was obviously played the part Woody would have had he made this film 30 years ago.  I always look for that in his films.  It’s always interesting to see his choice of actor that he chooses, I feel, to act in his stead.
Owen Wilson plays, Gil, a man on vacation in Paris with his fiancée and her parents.  A screenwriter by trade, Gil is now working on writing a novel during the trip.
After Gil and his fiancée run into another couple, they begin spending all their time together.  Gil becomes aggravated and makes excuse at night to go walking the streets of Paris by himself.
After getting lost he takes a seat and at the stroke of midnight climbs into a cab that takes him into his ideal of The Golden Age: Paris in the 20s.
At this point my son turns to me and says “is this a movie about time-traveling?”  I had to consider that for a second.  I couldn’t imagine Woody going down that road, I mean what’s next, aliens?
Anyhew originally I saw this movie with not a clue of the storyline and while it isn’t his best film, I found it entertaining and provocative.  It’s a good rental.  My favorite parts were his conversations with Hemingway.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh Oscar

So the Oscars a few weeks away I would be remiss not to mention it at all.  I’ve been a slacker to say the least moviewise.  I blame poor time management and oh yeah cash flow.  Plus there’s not many films that bake my bread anymore.  I’m jaded moviewise (hence the self-given title).  Nonetheless in no particular order are this year’s academy nominated picks for Best Picture:

The Artist
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Tree of Life
War Horse
*The Descendants
*The Help
*Midnight in Paris
The asterisks are the films I’ve currently seen so far.  Yeah like I said slacker.  Anyhew I’m not totally without time to see a few more on this list.  Remember the days when a best picture category had only 5 pictures and inevitably one movie was something no one even bothered to see?  Until it wins of course. 
Or that little indie film that no one ever sees until it gets some buzz (but no nominations) and then everyone bum rushes the theatre.  Take Calendar Girls, or Waking Ned Devine or The Full Monty, or Slum Dog Millionaire (ok so that one not only was a nominated film but also a winner).  Yeah the little film that could.  I think the film industry is still trying to concoct that same recipe.  Part indie film, part blockbuster magic in hopes of not only attracting an audience but making a film with a soul and a shelf life that last more than a year or two.
It’s getting better.  The Descendants I think is a pretty timely example.  So is last year’s Black Swan. 
My personal criteria for a good film are this:  Strong compelling storyline………..biting dialogue, and courageous (yet not too over the top) performances.  Get me that movie and I’ll watch it over and over again.
*A few favs off the top of my head: *As Good as it Gets, Dolores Claiborne, Terms of Endearment. 
Let the countdown to Oscar begin…….. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

One For The Money - a movie review

One for the Money a movie based on the Janet Evanovich novel of the same name.  Now if you’re reading Evanovich you’re not exactly a literary scholar (guilty as charged I've read almost all 18 books in the series).  You’re probably someone in the mood for something light, abit of mental floss as books go.
This is the story of a Jersey girl Stephanie Plum, played by Katherine Heigel, who falls ass backwards into a bounty hunter job and her first skipcase puts her chasing after an ex bad boy lover who she would gladly like to see behind bars not to mention the cash prize of $50,000 for returning him.  Not soon after she’s finds herself trying to solve the mystery of why he was arrested in the first place.
IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THE BOOKS DON’T BOTHER SEEING THE MOVIE.  It’s a cute movie but holds nothing really for someone who isn’t already a fan.  2 stars.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cafe Guy & Gallard - a cafe review

So what can I say about Cafe Guy & Gallard?  Me and my sister Janice went there a while back and I found it to be a FIND.  But sometime later I'd forgotten the frikin name of the joint.  Recently I was looking through some papers and found their card.

So planning a day in the city with my sister once more made me say: "Lets go back to Cafe Guy & Gallard".  As you can see from the menu its very reasonably priced for NYC.

It also has locations all over Manhattan, BUT if you're going on a Sunday be sure to call that particular location to verify they are open on Sunday, as not all of the franchise stores keep the same hours.

The menu is varified  serving Brunch, Pastas, Fish all as I said before very reasonably priced.  There is a  limited seating, (almost shoulder to shoulder) but still a definite oasis amidst the ridiculously priced restaurants serving just about nearly the same food.

And our cute waiter Jhad went above and beyond to give spectacular service and I tipped him well.  We ate brunch.  I ordered Eggs Florentine, and my sister had sunnyside eggs, bacon, home fries and we split a small stack of pancakes served with raisins and toasted bananas.  YUM!