Friday, October 1, 2010

Awareness.............for Dummies

<big>Awareness for Dummies!

In the movie Philadelphia Denzel Washington’s character, who plays an attorney keeps uttering this great phrase which is :  “Could someone please explain this to me………like I’m a 5 yr old?”  Let me explain.
A friend of mine is involved in community service.  He’s usually arranging fundraisers for charities but charities where their primary purpose is Awareness.  What?  For instance “Autism Awareness”  or “Epilepsy Awareness”?  Huh?
Why would anyone have to be made aware of illness we ALREADY know exists?  In my limited experience isn’t there something better to be done?  I conveyed my point with this friend.  Okay wouldn’t it better to use money for something like support groups?  If I have someone in my family that is gravely hindered by some illness wouldn’t a support group behoove the whole family? 
I was tedious with this friend, probably because I wanted to piss him off at the time.  I was like “Who the heck doesn’t KNOW that Epilepsy exists? I mean its not as if its contagious?  What purpose is being served in doing this”  I just feel that type of thing is a waste of money, money that could be used for something with more of a specific purpose.
Maybe I just don’t understand the true meaning of the word Awareness where illnesses are concerned.  So maybe someone please explain this to me………like I’m a 5 yr old?”<big>

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