Friday, February 8, 2013

Book reviews to come!

And so
              I've come to the realization that I'm attracted to things that are compelling.  Not sure that's the right wording.  You see, every year, after new years, I tell myself I'll read more.  And well, it never seemed to happen.  Until now.

So to compel myself to read more, I decided to join a book club.  How do I go about this?  I take a page out of a friend's book.  (Pun intended).  And I join a book club through  (a website I highly recommend

This bookclub meets every two weeks, at a soup-and-sandwich-type of place.  Right now I'm on my second book and my reading speed has already picked up.

But, if I hadn't made the commitment to join the club, there would have been nothing compelling me to finish.  I mean honestly, whenever I'm reading a book, I'm not always able to delve into the storyline.  I'm usually too busy critiqueing what it is I'm reading rather than just enjoying it.

Now I seem to be doing abit of both. (Yeah me, way to multi-task) LOL.

And since I am a self-proclaimed 'culture vulture', it was about time I added another facet on subjects worth reviewing.

Currently, I'm reading "The Ages of Miracles" by Karen Thompson Walker.  Its an easy read so far.

 Review when I'm finished..........

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