Monday, August 15, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - A Movie Review

So after many years Hollywood takes a stab at adding a chapter to the Planet of the Apes franchise and wins.
After seeing previews of this film, I was intrigued but worried that this teaser was showing the best parts of this film.  After I txted about a two dozen or so friends to get a buzz if this was worth seeing.  I received two positive responses from two reliable sources and took my beau to see this film.
This movie takes place in a modern day setting as scientist Will Rodman (played by the perpetually-employed James Franco) develops a vaccine to help cure dementia and regenerate brain cells.  While running clinical trials on his test animals, apes, he discovers more than he bargained for.
With a compelling story, state of the art CGI, and plenty of tender moments amidst the action, this is a film that plays well for both women and men (even if certain men DO “rest their eyes” during the film, lol.)

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