Friday, August 12, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau - a DVD Review

So last night I did my usual dinner and a movie with my son.  The film was “The Adjustment Bureau” recommended by my mom.   Thanks mom for making me watch crap.  Even the adorable Matt Damon couldn’t save this film.
This is the story of a politican who accidentally discovers that the destiny of humanity is being manipulated and engineered by a celestial society of beings in fedoras.  Apparently this is part of their uniform (jude rolls eyes).
My son decided early on in our viewing how much he couldn’t care for the characters in this film.  I on the other hand tried to give it a chance.  Even the ending had me thinking “Are you kidding me?”  It was just that bad.  Perfusely apologizing to my son was the only thing I could do.  For all reading this, cross it off your Netflix que if for some reason it managed to work its way onto it.

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