Friday, August 26, 2011

5 Dark & Stormy Selections for a Wicked Weather Weekend.

With the storm coming making weekend plans is unthinkable.  God willing we will have power enough to possibly catch a good flick or two.  So that leaves me to ponder a few suggestions that I can recommend enough as a dark and/or stormy selection for this wicked weather weekend. 
They are in no particular order:  The Burning Plain, a B film that is an understated yet an enjoyable gem. 

Twins Falls Idaho and while there is no storm involved there is plenty that is dark. 

Next is Malice starring a very young Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman, both dark & stormy at times. 

Next is my safe choice of Twister starring Helen Hunt and yes I do realize this movie is about tornados not hurricanes. 

And lastly the light at the end of the tunnel The Wizard of Oz reminding us that even after the worst of storms, there’s no place like home. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No Strings Attached - a DVD Review

So last week I attempted to watch the DVD movie: No Strings Attached.  It’s the modern-day romance of two 20 something’s starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher.  The characters who are so busy with their careers, decide to form a pact to just "hook up" and have sex rather than "bother" with the conventions of a real healthy relationship.

Okay so here we have two fairly decent comedic actors, in what at first appears to be a semi-decent vehicle for comedy and romantic witty situations.  Unfortunately whoever is responsible for making this turd, should have taken time to hire some talented WRITERS.  The only entertaining moment was when Kutcher shows up at his girl’s place with a mix tape that is themed with music that is meant to identify and comfort her while she’s menstruating.  Other than that, this movie was so awful I didn’t even finish watching the DVD.

A better film to watch with just as equally sexy actors in a similar situation is "About Last Night".

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coming soon!

Coming soon!
Reviews for: (DVD) No String Attached & “The Help” in theatres now.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - A Movie Review

So after many years Hollywood takes a stab at adding a chapter to the Planet of the Apes franchise and wins.
After seeing previews of this film, I was intrigued but worried that this teaser was showing the best parts of this film.  After I txted about a two dozen or so friends to get a buzz if this was worth seeing.  I received two positive responses from two reliable sources and took my beau to see this film.
This movie takes place in a modern day setting as scientist Will Rodman (played by the perpetually-employed James Franco) develops a vaccine to help cure dementia and regenerate brain cells.  While running clinical trials on his test animals, apes, he discovers more than he bargained for.
With a compelling story, state of the art CGI, and plenty of tender moments amidst the action, this is a film that plays well for both women and men (even if certain men DO “rest their eyes” during the film, lol.)

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau - a DVD Review

So last night I did my usual dinner and a movie with my son.  The film was “The Adjustment Bureau” recommended by my mom.   Thanks mom for making me watch crap.  Even the adorable Matt Damon couldn’t save this film.
This is the story of a politican who accidentally discovers that the destiny of humanity is being manipulated and engineered by a celestial society of beings in fedoras.  Apparently this is part of their uniform (jude rolls eyes).
My son decided early on in our viewing how much he couldn’t care for the characters in this film.  I on the other hand tried to give it a chance.  Even the ending had me thinking “Are you kidding me?”  It was just that bad.  Perfusely apologizing to my son was the only thing I could do.  For all reading this, cross it off your Netflix que if for some reason it managed to work its way onto it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Perfect Age of Rock & Roll - an Indie Film Review

And so recently I took my son to see an indie film.  That film was “The Perfect Age of Rock & Roll”.  This movie is my cousin Michael Jeremiah’s first speaking role.  It was a small role and I was happy for him.  But now my review:  (jude mentally cracks knuckles).

This was a film about two high school buddies with talent and dreams of rock & roll success.  Spyder, lead vocalist, and Eric Jensen (played by Jason Ritter) as lyricist and lead guitarist.   Spyder steals his partners demo songs and finds fame as a solo artist.  When Spyder’s second album is a flop he returns to his hometown of Oyster Bay, NY to reunite with Jensen and coerce him into making lyric magic all over again.

This is a formulistic pseudo road trip movie full of rock and roll clichés.  Despite decent production quality and better than average performances this film lacks the climatic ending I had hoped for.  It seemingly ends without a resolution that made any sense in how the story had been building up to.