Saturday, July 19, 2014

What's Next??

What's Next:

These days, your guess is as good as mine.  There's a song by Staind called "its been a while" and the lyric goes something like "f*cked things up just like I ALWAYS do". 

Um yeah, that's me right about now.  Instead of dealing with my feelings soberly.  I lashed out, disregarded my program and pushed away the most wonderful man I've ever met.

To say I've "stepped in it big time" would be quite the understatement.  For reasons I won't go into, though don't hold me to it, I've taken a much contemplated hiatus from Facebook.  It feels really really weird.  Oh and I no longer have a computer which is why I'm at the library writing this.

I guess whether its been consciously, or unconsciously I've totally cleared myself of distractions.  No one left on my dance card but me and God.  I need not to run from this BUT TO LEARN FROM IT.

Ever since I went on those damn anti-depressants, or off them I should say, I haven't been the same sober woman.  It sucks.  But I've been clawing my way back ever since.  Its a slow process and being in a relationship may have slowed things down additionally.

I don't know what God has in store for me regarding me and Mike but I have to believe if we are meant be together, we will be.  Ultimately I don't want to hurt him anymore/do any damage.

What's that line from the Fiona Apple song Criminal?  "I've been careless with a delicate man".  He deserves better. 

Now I have mucho time on my hands and I've been trying to stay busy and healthfully so.  Sitting here at the library less than 5 minutes walking time to Mike's house isn't easy.  I've really missed him since he wasn't just my lover he was my best friend.

But I had to return some library books before the end of the month and grab some computer time for some directions to a dental office.

I haven't been on this blog in forever, sorry it isn't more pithy or even relevant, but I needed to get some of this stuff out of my head.

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