Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just stuff in my head

I heard something at a meeting last night that I liked.  A woman shared of how her children are back at school and she, being a stay at home mom, was missing them.  After an activity-fueled Summer the house was now empty if for even a few hours.  She said she was really missing the kids.  She, also being a creature of habit, was slow to accept change and having difficulty with it. 
She said she understood what she needed to do was simply FEEL her feelings.  It was all about acceptance.  She said after being used to either drinking, eating or spending her way to feel better immediately, she knew that simply feeling her feelings was the best way to go.  Afterwards she quickly added, but the other way is much more fun, and we all laughed.
And right now, despite how incapable and unlovely I’ve been feeling these days. I’ve been trying to do the same thing.  Standing in that corridor of uncomfortability sucks. I’ve been shifting in 500 different ways to just stop wishing things be perfect and just leave it all the fuck alone.  I’ve worried about disappointing people around  me.
It all comes back to fear.  Fear of losing something I have.  Fear of not having something I want, blah, blah, blah.  Still, its true.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Steely Dan : Shuffle Diplomacy Tour

So last night I saw a concert, a band I’ve always wanted to see: Steely Dan.  It was the last night of their Shuffle Diplomacy Tour in NYC.  It was a Friday night and the crowd was excited.  Did I mention the average age of the crowd was comprised of adults 50’s and up?  Well yeah, (jude shrugs).

Forget the fact that most of the horn section looked like an audition for Larry David stunt doubles.  Forget that Donald Fagen’s voice was so hoarse it sounded like he was channeling Joe Cocker.  Forget that rather than seeing these musicians and having them look more like they were going to do my taxes than play legendary hits. The started the night with “Kid Charlemagne” and the crowd was lit.  Literally.  Sitting in the upper section which gave us a great view also, lent some discretion which other people took advantage of.  Every few minutes people were lighting up.  I was pretty surprised at this. 

After about 30 minutes of songs melding into one another, many sounding the same, which is par for the course where Steely Dan was concerned.

The finale had some of my favorites, “Peg” “Josie” “Reeling in the Years” which was the first Steely Dan song I heard back in 1974 living Park Slope, Brooklyn.  

 I was glad I was there, always wanted to see them and thanks to my man, I finally have.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

With less than 4 days left of “Summer” its time to make a list.  A list of all my favorite Fall things.  On the one hand I might want to go kicking and screaming leaving last Summer behind.  Who can blame me?  I had more fun hitting the beach, laughing with friends and juicy makeout sessions with a certain someone than I have in just about forever.  Whoever thinks getting older is a thing to be dreaded hasn’t been standing in my shoes. 
Having said all that, Fall used to be one of my favorite seasons.  And here is a list of a few reasons why.

1.       Pears!  (yep you read, I said it)  juicy ripe pears.  The kind that when you bite into one the juicy just runs down your arm.

2.      Fabulous Fall Fashions.  Time to pour over September VOGUE and hope the knocks-off you’ll be buying look half as enticing.

3.      Snuggling under blankets, whether it be with a pet or a partner.  Though hardly qualifying as an activity, its still a nice way to pass time with a good book or a good friend.

4.      Holidays.  As in Halloween/Thanksgiving.  It brings together family and friends and fun.  Three things we cannot have enough of.

Anyone care to add to the list?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Upcoming events to be reviewed

So I haven’t exactly been filling this website to the best of my ability lately.  For that I apologize.  I’ve seen a few DVDs not really done much more than that.   But I do need to step myself up abit.
A few upcoming events will be:  Friday: September 23, 2011 I will be catching Steely Dan, live in concert @ The Beacon Theatre.

Also upcoming on October 2, 2011 is my return to the Joyce Theatre (with my man in tow).  Seeing something completely different. I've purchased tickets for the performance of Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca:
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Basketball Diaries - a movie review

Okay so this is a flick from 1995, still it was worth seeing.  Way back when I was still drinking my old drinking buddy highly recommended it.   She was a culture vulture like me and when SHE said something was worth seeing it always was.  And this film didn't disappoint either.  Another thing about my drinking buddy all her choices were usually poignant dark and terribly depressing, but good nonetheless.

This biographical film starred a very young (21) Leonardo DeCaprio in the role of Jim Carroll acclaimed poet and writer.  It chronicles his descent into heroin den madness and his resurrection that later transpired.  A great performance all around.