Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 My Year in Review

And so another year comes to an end.  Each year is 365 days long yet this year seemed that much longer.  Not so much because it was arduous but more so because it seemed to be jam packed full of experiences.

As I reflect on 2012 more than a few come to mind.

Starting the new year in a real relationship.  One full of honesty, and romance, and fun.

In January getting whisked away to the Poconos for my birthday.  What a surprise and pleasure it was.

In February sharing Valentine's Day with a man I grown more in love with each day.   

In March getting laid off from a job I worked for the past 8 years.  I hardly knew what I was going to do.  How I was going to handle things.  But because I trust God and work my program,  I held onto my faith with everything I had.

Instead I enjoy my time off.  Went biking everywhere.  Especially once May came around and my car decided to die.  Without having the means, I wrote it off and became carless.  Again I biked everywhere.  I spent more time with my mom and my son.  I went through all my belongings and pared down, donated clothes, books, etc.

I wound up filing bankruptcy and embracing a frugal way of life.  Remembering to stay grateful and with faith KNOW God had a plan for me and my future.  In May me and my man planted a garden, something I haven't done since I was a kid.  I absolutely loved getting into something like this.

In May me and my man went away on a trip that was planned pre-layoff.  We traveled to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon & Arizona.  What a spectacular trip!  We went from the bright city lights of Las Vegas onto the rustic scenery of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River to the simplicity of Phoenix Arizona meeting up with old friends and a new addition to our clan.

In June I spent time at the beach with friends.   Also with my man and I finally overcame my fear of water.  This may sound trite to some reading this but for me this is huge.  Before this I would never go in the water alone.  I loved boogie boarding.  

Also in June, my man turned the big 6-0.   If  five years ago someone had told me I'd be dating an older man I'd have said they were crazy.  Its amazing what God had in store for me, once I got out of my own way and put away my preconceived notions about what would truly make me happy.  We also celebrated our first anniversary together.  One of what I hope to be many more to come!
In July after many months of watching my man always overwhelmed by fatigue he discovered the news that he had kidney cancer and would need to be operated on.  While we awaited the surgery, I received a call about a job.  After a phone interview and meet and greet interview and a drug test I passed with flying colors I became a part of the team @ ABI.  A job I love dearly.

The timing was perfect, I started the job 2 weeks after my man's surgery.  I gotta admit that I was scared.  Scared about starting a new job.  Scared at the possibility that his body was given more than it could handle.  Again I had to trust God.  And while some reading this may think that trusting God sounds like an inaction.........that would be wrong.  Trust is conscious action.  Each day my mind tries to let fears creep in and its God who I must remember has a plan I must trust in even when I don't FEEL like it.   

In the end, everything worked out better than I ever expected  That only comes from seeking God on a daily basis, and seeking to do the next right thing as best I can.  I am nothing if not grateful.  The holidays came around again, as they always do, and me and my man spent half the time with his family and half with mine.

I remembered last year how 'terrified' I was about change.  But God gets us through everything, but we must be willing to let go of our plans.  Its when I reflect upon past experiences its a great reminder of how great things work out when I stop making plans, and just let go let God. 

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