Monday, May 30, 2016

The Effect - An Off Broadway Play

The other day me and my beau went to see The Effect.  An Off Broadway production at the Barrow Street Theatre. 

The premise of the play: Two test subjects in clinical drug trials for the a new anti-depressant.  As they begin to have feelings for one another, they begin to question whether its love or a side effect of the drug.

Good performances!  Especially noteworthy is Kati Brazda as Dr. Lorna James.  Her performance was intense, moving and sincere.  There was a confidence which I found captivating.

This was predominantly a drama, with a whisper of humor.  This play tried to be funnier but failed.  The two protagonists were a little on hyper side and the nudity and simulated sex was unexpected.

It was enjoyable without being totally predictable.