Saturday, July 11, 2015

See Jude drive. Drive Jude drive.

And so Winter is over.  And then some.  But for now I'm in reflection mode.  Staying grateful.  Almost 3 years ago I was "laid off" from a law firm I'd worked at for 8 years.  Upsetting at first but later realizing that God was pruning the things in my life that were no longer working.  That job was one of them.  The other item he pruned included my car.  Bald tire, a shitty engine and insurance coming due, I felt it was time to "put her down" and I sold it to my mechanic for $300.  At the time I was surviving on unemployment and that car was a drain breaking down over and over.

So being a full time pedestrian had its pros and cons.  Like when I finally got another job.  It involved taking the bus.  Three buses to be exact.  Walking to the first (8 blocks) then, making two subsequent connections.

And last Winter taking the bus was challenging. (see to the left), that photo was created as a little joke from my friends in sunny Arizona.  The one on the far left is me.

It was a long brutal Winter, even by New York standards.  But with my $10 fur hat from Modell's and a trusty Metrocard, I was armed with my best chance to "make do" and test my survivor skills.

And and God would have it, I say God, because I don't believe in luck but do believe in God, I made it through.

Spring finally arrived around April or so. Walking and waiting for the bus was bearable and fairly pleasant.  Walking there gave my fat arse some leisurely exercise and time for my mind to reflect and get centered at the start of the day.

I knew that I needed a car because I could not go through another Winter like that. Waiting for almost an hour in 15 degree temps is brutal, and spirit crushing.  Getting another car would be difficult because there isn't a money tree in my backyard.  I know, I've looked.

But again, as God would have it, my status has again changed from pedestrian to motorist. And although this is a positive change, with every change comes a transitional phrase.   
I have so many options now, and I guess I just want to make the "right" ones.  Luxury problems I know.

Life just keeps getting better and better.  What I realize now, is its always in God's time, good, bad or indifferent.  When I let go of my expectations great things happen.